Less then three months before the Sikh Nation observes the twenty third anniversary of Operation Bluestar, the Government of India has struck a blow to hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community. The salvo once again comes from none other than a ‘Sikh puppet’ in the hands of the Government.
"Sikh separatist threat on rise in Canada: Indian PM warns of resurgent threat in Canada" - Vancouver Sun |
In June 1984, the Indian Army rambled through the streets of Amritsar and created havoc in the Darbar Sahib complex by destroying the building of Akal Takht Sahib and other historical monuments with the help of modern artillery. The army aggression that continued for several days claimed the lives of tens of thousands of innocent Sikhs that had gathered at Darbar Sahib to commemorate the martyrdom of Guru Arjun Dev Ji.
Three decades after the 1978 slaughter of Sikhs by Nirankaris, the Indian Government has failed to provide justice to thousands of those families that lost their dear ones. To this very day, the Congress and BJP Officials who were responsible for carrying out this and other operations are enjoying luxuries provided by the Government. The mobs behind the 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms have not been sentenced to any crime and those like Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler who incited them are not behind bars either, despite the insurmountable evidence that proves their violating of human rights.
"India PM warns of Sikh Militancy" - BBC News |
The list of what the Indian Government has not done is not over yet. No type of compensation programs have been initiated, those arrested illegally without any charges are still rotting in jails across India, 1984 widows have had their pensions revoked, there are no plans of providing education and jobs to wards of those who lost their parents during the 80’s and 90’s.
Instead, what the Indian Government has exactly done is attributed all responsibility of the bloodshed to the Sikh Nation and third parties. Just as the Sikhs have been targeted by the Government, it has no plans of barring its other minority – the Muslims either. The headline of Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) supporting Sikh Militants has been published over and over again by the Indian media without even a hint of proof.
Recently, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, touted as a Sikh, wrote a letter to the SGPC President Avtar Makkar insinuating the return of militancy in Punjab. What hurts is that while the Government has failed to provide a solution to problems such as the Sacha Sauda Issue--including the one of several other self-styled cult leaders continuing to defy Sikh principles and distort the Sikh religion--it is stating that the militancy movement is being revived in Punjab and blaming the Sikhs for the violence.
But for what? If the Government fails to perform its everyday tasks and duties, what solutions do common citizens of the country have? Prime Minister further wrongfully put the blame of the Shingar Cinema bomb blasts on Sikh activists while even the Supreme Court has not declared its verdict in this case.
Despite having a Sikh image, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not raised any acceptable concern with his French counterpart regarding the ban on turbans and other religious articles. Even though creating awareness of the Sikh identity is not a responsibility of the Indian Prime Minister, being a Sikh, he should have played at least some part in it. But obviously, doing so would require getting approval from his Brahman masters, which include the superior Congress and BJP leadership. For them, the only agenda is to suppress the Sikh community and blame them for society's issues. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has done exactly that.
these are a dastari hindu just like dhian singh dogras wake up good sikhs they days are gone we must get our khalsa raj back look at the tibets they are fighting for their state we are next i wil be the sikh fbi